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2020 baru rasa nk masukkan cerita

Hai zakia (dah kenapa hai diri sendiri)

tahun 2020 ni seorang Norzakiatul Husna dah 25 tahun (bakal)

bnyak nya cerita tertinggal... I nak start balik cerita cuma tu lah kekangan masa, dia mcm tadelah kekangan sgt pun cume lagi best layan internet ( Youtube game and bende2 lagha yg lain)
 I tak tau nak start dari mana sbb mcm bnyak sgt bende dlm kepala... nk cerita semua takut ade org terbaca sbb dah besar2 ni fikir ada bende yg supposely u keep it urself kan. so I just cerita bende yg maybe privacy, life  study, kerja, kawan, perangai manusia and so on but not aib or dosa diri sndiri lah kan. yg tu biar antara saya dgn Allah je hehe...

oke bnyak ni nk story but not for this entry lah kot coz biasa laa zakia ni nk story kene susun dlu

so I akan cerita 
1. study pengalaman masa diploma, degree, and now master
2. friends
3. love story
4. tips, motivation
5. Life Goal, Impian
6. work experience

so maybe mlm ni I akan start post skit2 coz skrg ni pkol 12:31 pm and I kat Lab,,,so nak buat keje skit... hehe

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Cerita pasal masuk U da cerita haritu,,,ni nak cerita pasal Mr.O je... heheheh

Minggu first tu fulltime minggu destini Siswa or known as MDS.. best sngat... new experience
Mase ni semangat bekobar2 sngat,,,xnak main2 dah mase study...nak blaja betul2... then hati da space for love or anything yg not important


habis je MDS malam tu ak try bukak facebook kat kolej..  tengok2  notification ade Mr.O commented at one of my then saje laa komen balik n tetiba ade orang IM

dupdap dupdap..its Mr.O,, what should I say..i'm just act casually..mcam xde pape perasaan padahal nak jerit2 je mase tu..batak betui

pastu we exchange phone number..hehe

kami start mesej2..then after a week terbongkar lah rahsia yg aku penah bagi dia kad sotong mase form 3 dlu... 3 years ago cerita tu...

Then hubungan kami jadi makin rapat..we shared stories about our study and activities... such a fun though that I have a 'boyfriend' to share my days..tapi masih xde pape lagi mase ni but I feel something in my heart.. I just feel good~~~ ahaa but serious rase sesuatu yg baik akan berlaku in future

After several month messaging with him,,we decided to go future as our relationship is better day by day... I'm not remember the exact date we declare as couple but its on july 2013..i remebered that he sang a birthday song for me on my 18th birthday and that was our very first time on call sejak kenal

One day after we decided as a couple then ak ade camping untuk science memang x tengok phone langsung.. sampai habis hari camping tu battery phone memang da kong,,,mlm terakhir camping tu ade nightwalk and tidur kat dataran kawad,,,so pagi tu bangun2 senamrobik pastu bersurai lepas makan...then aku balik bilik terus cas pastu tido..letih sngat mase tu

Tengahari tu nak pegi beli makanan the tengok phone skejap sbb nak bawak turun gi beli makanan,,,tengok2 berpuluh mesej masuk inbox...mase ni kitorang jarang call.. haha berbunga pulak rase ade orang care,,hihik

But...langit tak selalu cerah be continue on next post

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